Whilst the iTunes app store continues to see a rise in more complex proper console type gaming (x-com, grand theft auto, final fantasy), it remains for now overwhelmingly the spiritual home of casual gaming! Many of the most successful and highest grossing games on the App Store are played with controls that require little more physical input than repeatedly tapping the screen with a single finger at the appropriate moment! Knightmare tower the latest offering from developers Juicy Beast is certainly of this ilk.
With such simple game mechanics, ultimately these type of games live and die by the quality of their presentation and addictiveness! That elusive “just one more go factor!”. Well i can tell you ghoulfiends and gentlecreeps that Knightmare tower has both in abundance with big shiny cherries on top!

You are the titular Knight of Knightmare tower! Your job is to reach the top of a treacherous and terrifying tower rescuing princesses and generally being a medieval bad ass along the way! You begin the game free falling down through the tower after launching into the air atop an iron rocket and must attempt to rise back up by slamming down on a myriad of flying beasties, monsters and demons! Every monster you hit in succession results in an increase of speed of ascendancy and takes you further away from a fiery lava that is also climbing the tower literally “hot” on your tail! Movement of your Knight is achieved by tilting your device left or right and touching the screen to perform a downward attack on your monstrous legion of enemies! Every so often you will reach and smash through a ceiling, freeing the princess of that part of the tower. As with all the best examples of casual games, there is a hidden tactical depth to the gameplay of Knightmare tower and as the game progresses quick thinking and good hand eye coordination will certainly be needed to see you through! As you reach greater heights within the tower you are confronted by an ever widening array of beasties to slay and not all of them are simple sword fodder! Many will take multiple hits to destroy, wizard types will attempt to bring you down with magic orbs, dragons will fill the screen with fireballs and other creatures are only temporarily vulnerable displaying for the rest of their time on screen large sharp spikes eager to take one of your lives if you slam down on them at the wrong moment! The higher you rise the more the action intensifies and soon you will find yourself with every type of monster to deal with on screen at once and the deeper tactics of monster time management come into play!
Having just one go on Knightmare tower would be the equivalent of helping yourself to just a single pringle from a newly opened tube...it just aint gonna happen! This game is stickier than bubble gum dipped in honey! The action is fast and furious with each play lasting an average of just 2 or 3 minutes. The rate of progression is paced perfectly and you find yourself constantly wanting to inch closer to different achievements and goals or collecting enough money to level up your character! The game contains a shop, where gold you have collected during gameplay can be spent on more lives, potions, stronger attacks etc.
Monster fans will love Knightmare tower! It features a lovingly crafted menagerie of creatures, all depicted in a detailed and colourful art style that to me was almost reminiscent of eighties british comics such as whizzer and chips and the likes of OINK!. The game doesn't credit the artist but i believe its a person referred to as “J-P” on the developers website. The games soundtrack supplied by “HyperDuck soundworks” also deserves special mention, its an absolute perfect fit for the game. Heroic and jaunty with medieval overtones conveyed by an occasional choir of maidens.
As with all these casual type games Knightmare tower does of course have a limited shelf life. Such simple game mechanics can only afford a game so much longevity before actions start to feel repetitive. However for a period of a good few days i literally played nothing else and for the paltry sum of just £1.99 the level of enjoyment you will get from the game represents brilliant value.
So there you have it! Dag nabbit! Knightmare tower is a great example of casual gameplay executed with style and aplomb! Ghoulie recommends you get your game on!
Click here for Iphone version of "Knightmare tower" on the app store
Click here for the Ipad version of "Knightmare tower" on the app store
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